Thursday 16 May 2024

Watch the film made by this year’s Deepening Creative Practice group

The 2023/4 Deepening Creative Practice group presents: Kuråt

Kuråt invites you to engage with a creative process that set out to mark the death of creativity.

Often stumbling around the slippery pivot between death and new life, the 2023 Deepening Creative Practice cohort has explored the comical and surreal aspects of being in a group met with existential consequence. A fate regarding their (de/re)commission as creative beings. The group somehow knows that things are transforming, somehow knows institutions of civility are crumbling, somehow knows that collective hysteria is not new, and yet… The group still struggles to be with that knowing and gets enfolded in obfuscation and emptiness. The creative urge gets crystallized, and something is shared.

The Kuråt film and collection of companion works invite open reflection with others who also like to spend their precious mental energy navigating the rich and complex nature of being present with other creative beings.

Text by participants of Deepening Creative Practice 2023-4

Watch the film:


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